We're married. Husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Signore e signora. It's awesome. The end.
We are back in Italy and I am almost legal. A few more hoops to jump through and I will be here for real. A real person with a real identity. In Italy.
We have the most amazing, warm, wooden flat ever!!!! It's cute and even has a little make-shift Christmas tree as of today....
We've been able to see some friends and spend some time praying together, catching up, enjoying being back in our community here. Tomorrow I will be able to see Mavy and hopefully have more news about the teaching situation. So far, things are looking good!
This weekend we will be finishing some details in the house - Marco's parents and uncle will come and help us change the kitchen completely (good ol' Ikea) - something we are both looking forward to so the suitcases can be put away and we can truly settle down. Of course that is all relative because there is never a lack of something to do, and we never know what will happen from one day to the next!
We have put everything we have in God's hands. He is blessing us beyond our wildest imaginations and we are loving every minute of it. Lessons are being learned everyday of course, as is par for the course when it comes to a life of faith, but the lessons are good. Solid. And we get to go through them together. It's like having a permanent buddy system in place!
Thank you to all for praying for us, supporting us, and walking with us on our journey! For more information about news, support, or just wanting to get in contact you can email at marcolauren2013@gmail.com.
Love, Blessings, and Good Tidings to all!!!
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