Tuesday, March 5, 2013

5 Marzo 2013

On this day, someone very special to me turns 29. This is a person that I can honestly say the Lord brought into my life without my knowing. He was preparing my heart in a way that I was unaware of until that fateful day last year when the pieces fell into place. I guess you could say it was the Father's birthday gift to me. Or a going away present. Whatever the "category," I found myself humbled at His feet for this particular present...

At my surprise birthday party last year...
the "heck no I will NOT dance face"

To be honest, it took some coercing from the Lord for me to believe this was actually a gift that was good, timely, and unique...and lasting. This was no joke. I was told during this time that, "Sure, God has a sense of humor, but He doesn't joke with our hearts." Wise words..truth, baby. I have never had God speak so clearly and honestly through one of His children as He did through this one. Let me tell you, there were many conversations that went something like this...

him: enter wise words here
me: enter awkward "are you serious, God?" laugh here
him: "But why you are laughing?"
me: Oh nothing...God is just really funny that's all.
him: "But why you say this?"
and so on....

One day in particular when I was really wrestling with this reality of all this, the Lord gently lead me to this verse...
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace."
It came with the reminder, "I do actually Love you this much, daughter! And I want to give you good things. Why can't you accept my gift?"

Ouch. Like tears, on my knees, humbled BIG TIME. Humbled, but so incredibly thankful. I was now able to walk forward, totally, 100% sure of this gift. I didn't have to look back...ever. When the enemy reared his ugly head of doubt or fear I could say with total confidence, "Um...heck no, techno fool!"

All this to say, God is the giver of good gifts. He delights in giving good things to those who love Him. It brings Him joy when we accept His gifts. But He also wants us to give these good things back to Him...when we can honestly say, "God it's yours!" Personally, feeling totally inept to take care of this gift has definitely helped in this process. Not that it's been easy. Nor has it been anything I really ever could have imagined for myself (the whole "no long distance" thing? Yep...out the window...). But, my oh my, it has been good. Very, very good...

his first time in Disneyland (Sept. 2013)

So my love, caro mio, Tanti Auguri!!! I love you with as much love as is possible and look forward to celebrating many, MANY more birthdays with you...yes, they will be celebrated every year...deal with it. 

"I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil. 1:6

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