In a land far away...
In a time not so long ago...
Something amazing actually happened...
With a group of people called artists...
Who walked around in socks...
Frolicked in flowers...
Painted with their feet...
Organized photo-shoots in the wilderness...
Worshiped with the entire beings.

And it really happened...

Once upon another time...
In another land far away...
In a time very, very long ago...
Something else amazing actually happened...
And the man who the "something amazing" is all about is Jesus...
And he really lived...
He baptized...
He saw value and invited the lowest of society to follow him...
He turned water into wine...
He healed the broken and hurt...
He talked to masses, and he talked to a few...
He was honest, faithful, and merciful...
He ate, drank, and celebrated...
He also died...
Then he came back to life.
And it really happened.
And because it happened...
Our lives can really happen...
And they all lived...really, really lived.
I really really liked this.
Beautiful, Lauren....I think you could be a writer and publish a beautiful book of art, dance, and Jesus!
ReplyDeleteNancy Switzer